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Illustrious museologist and olisypographer, she was for more than 20 years director of the Municipal Museums of Lisbon.
Irisalva Moita was, in her own right, one of the most relevant figures in Olisipography. Historian, archaeologist and museologist developed during the second half of the 20th century a vast work. Noteworthy are the exhibitions, still today of reference, “O Culto de Sto. António, na região de Lisboa”,“Lisboa e o Marquês de Pombal” and “Lisboa Quinhentista. A imagem e a vida na cidade" and “Faianças de Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro”.
Distinguished with Prémio Investigação by APOM (Associação Portuguesa de Museologia), 2020. (Investigation Award)
Author: Margarida Almeida Bastos, Rita Fragoso de Almeida
Publhisher: EGEAC
Language: Portuguese.
Pages: 200, softcover.
Size: 25 x 24 x 1,5 cm.