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Author: Manuel Paquete
Publisher: Colares
Pages: 157
Measurements: 15,6 x 22,5 x 1,8 cm.
Synopsis of the Editor: "The award of the Best Mediterranean Cuisine Book Awards and Best Single Subject Food Book by Gourmand World Cookbook, contributed to this book stayed exhausted. We now the 2nd Edition, revised and updated (in technical part by Ana Engineer Soeiro, Secretary General of Qualifies). The olive oil on Food Culture and Heritage describes the secular history of the olive tree, lonely tree easy coexistence with other species and extremely resistant to adversity of soils, confirms the old saying of French Southern: live your mulberry tree, chestnut tree from your father, your grandfather's olive. There are indications that the olive tree is originally from Asia minor, but its expansion and rapidly developing is clear on the shores of the Mediterranean. This book allows us an approach of the olive tree and olive oil in Portugal. Stresses its importance in popular culture-of light healing practices, prayers and benzeduras as a symbol of evil, exorcism of proverbs to the Songbook. Highlights also the irreplaceable value of olive oil in the food through the ages-from antiquity to contemporary cuisine, emphasizing use in eat festive, and includes a compilation of recipes."